

01554Days 00Hours 016Mins 032Seconds
Theme of 2020

Youth in Focus

The Hong Kong Mental Health Conference 2020 will take place as planned on November 6th and 7th 2020. The second of Mind HK’s triennial conferences will focus on youth mental health and will showcase the best local and international research, innovation and best practice. The Hong Kong Youth Summit will follow the conference and take place on November 8. With the theme “Resilience: Supporting each other and ourselves” the summit seeks to engage youth.

The virtual conference and summit will be delivered in English (with simultaneous translation in all live sessions), in order to allow everyone with an interest in youth mental health to experience the exceptional line up of world-renowned speakers. Participants will gain access to a state of the art, interactive, digital programme and will have the option to express interest in attending in person (subject to public gathering restrictions). Session contents are now available to purchase until 17 December. On-demand contents are available until April 2021.


Our Speakers


The Conference & Youth Summit

6/11 Hong Kong Time

09 : 15
The Next Wave of Youth Mental Health Reform
Prof. Patrick McGorry, Executive Director, Orygen
10 : 15
Perinatal Mental Health: Understanding and Improving Outcomes for the Infant
Prof. Anne Buist, Professor Women’s Mental Health, Austin Health
10 : 15
Digital Media and Parent-Child Interaction: Implications for Social-emotional Development
Dr Jenny Radesky, University of Michigan Medical School, American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Pediatric Research
10 : 15
Parent-based Interventions for Child Behaviour Management
Dr Deborah Gross, Professor, John Hopkins University

7/11 Hong Kong Time

09 : 15
Fostering Student Mental Health: Insights from the Record-Breaking Science of Well-Being Class at Yale
Dr Laurie Santos, Professor of Psychology, Yale
10 : 15
Is School Making our Youth Unwell: Redefining Success
Dr May Lam, Vice Presidents, HKCP | Dr Jacqueline Wolf, Clinical Psychologist | Ms Sky Siu, Executive Director, KELY Support Group
11 : 30
Recognising and Managing Anxiety in Young People: The Cool Kids Programs
Prof. Ron Rapee, Professor of Psychology and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow, Macquarie University
11 : 30
Experiences from the Frontlines
Joe Chan, Chief Social Work Officer (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services), Social Welfare Department | Ms Lam Yick Man, Senior Manager Youth Services, St. James’ Settlement

8/11 Hong Kong Time

13 : 15
Your Brain, Your Life
Dr Jared Horvath, Educational Neuroscientist
13 : 55
Diversity & Inclusion in Mental Health Advocacy: Kindness is Key
Swathi Shanmukhasundara, Founder of the Vermillion Project, The Vermilion Project
13 : 55
Breaking Boxes: A Story of Recovery and Discovery
Stephanie Ng, Founder of Body Banter, Body Banter, Duke University, Columbia University
13 : 55
Vulnerability and Performance: A Journey Growing Up In Hong Kong
Yvette Kong, Olympic Swimmer, Board Member, Mind HK
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Subcription Speakers